
The Trust’s accounts are maintained by the Honorary Treasurer and Trustee, Paul Kent CPFA. The accounts are independently examined by Edwards and Keeping, Chartered Accountants. Copies of the full accounts can be obtained on request from the Clerk.

The Trust has a general fund that covers many of its activities, as well as a number of restricted funds. The accounts for the last financial year (ending 31st March 2021) show that the Trust held £75,793 in the general fund balance, with a further £4,328 held in restricted (earmarked) funds. The largest restricted fund is the Rod Shipley Memorial Fund, which was established in January 2014 following a substantial legacy donation of £100,000 in memory of the late Rod Shipley.  The second largest was established following a donation from the Worshipful Company of Dyers.

Details of the use of funds is covered in the section dealing with projects and activities.